most anglos that do not have any idea of what our culture and heritage is all about think and see us.
Those "illegal aliens" may be brothers, sisters, cousins, and grandparents. You do not understand because you do not have familia whose only crime is not having a document that says they are here what you call "legally". You do not understand our culture, heritage, or our sense of unity.
Typical answer from a white person who does not understand our sense of pride.
Chicano ideals involve a rejection of borders. The 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.
The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was the peace treaty that ended the Mexican-American War.... transformed the Rio Grande region from a rich cultural center to a rigid border enforced by the United States government. At the end of the Mexican-American War, 80,000 Spanish-Mexican-Indian people were forced into sudden U.S. habitation. As a result, Chicano identification is aligned with the idea of Aztlán
Aztlan is the legendary ancestral home of the Nahua peoples, one of the main cultural groups in Mesoamerical, which extends to the Aztec period of Mexico, celebrating a time preceding land division.
Paired with the dissipation of militant political efforts of the Chicano movement
The Chicano Movement, also called the Chicano Civil Rights Movement, the Mexican-American Civil Rights Movement,... in the 1960s was the emergence of the Chicano generation. Like their political predecessors, the Chicano generation rejects the "immigrant/foreigner" categorization status. Chicano identity has expanded from its political origins to incorporate a broader community vision of social integration and nonpartisan political participation.
The shared Spanish language, Catholic faith, close contact with their political homeland Mexico to the south, a history of labor segregation, ethnic exclusion and racial discrimination encourage a united Chicano or Mexican folkloric tradition in the United States. Ethnic cohesiveness is a resistance strategy to assimilation and the accompanying cultural dissolution.(I bolded his prime points)
Not separatism, self determination, which is defined as ones own acts without external compulsion, and especially as the freedom of the people of a given territory to determine their own political status or independence from their current state.
Here is the Self Determination link. Might I suggest reading the Current Issues portion of self determination:
Since the early 1990s, the legitimatization of the principle of national self-determination has led to an increase in the number of conflicts within states, as sub-groups seek greater self-determination and even full secession, and as their conflicts for leadership within groups and with other groups and with the dominant state become violent.
Something about full secession that makes Oscars arguments very threatening. The mindset of these people is truly treasonous against the USA. The argument of secession falls in line with the secession of the South West of the USA back to Mexico.
From Wiki, take it as you will, but make note of the bold sentence:
Many currents came together to produce the revived Chicano political movement of the 1960s and 1970s. Early struggles were against school segregation, but the Mexican American cause, or La Causa as it was called, soon came under the banner of the United Farm Workers and César Chávez. However,Corky Gonzales and Reies Tijerina (not a native New Mexican) stirred up old tensions about New Mexican land claims with roots going back to before the Mexican-American War. Simultaneous movements like the Young Lords, to empower youth, question patriarchy, democratize the Church, end police brutality, and end the Vietnam War all intersected with other ethnic nationalist, peace, countercultural, and feminist movements.
Since Chicanismo covers a wide array of political, religious and ethnic beliefs, and not everybody agrees with what exactly a Chicano is, most new Latino immigrants see it as a lost cause, as a lost culture, because Chicanos don't identify with Mexico or wherever their parents migrated from as new immigrants do. So in essence new immigrants are not Chicanos and their kids will not be Chicanos because Chicanoism is now only being prolonged by academics; it's an appreciation of a historical movement.
For some, Chicano ideals involve a rejection of borders. The 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo[25] As a result, Chicano identification is aligned with the idea of Aztlán, which extends to the Aztec period of Mexico, celebrating a time preceding land division.[26] Paired with the dissipation of militant political efforts of the Chicano movement in the 1960s was the emergence of the Chicano generation. Like their political predecessors, the Chicano generation rejects the "immigrant/foreigner" categorization status.[26] Chicano identity has expanded from its political origins to incorporate a broader community vision of social integration and nonpartisan political participation.[27] transformed the Rio Grande region from a rich cultural center to a rigid border poorly enforced by the United States government. At the end of the Mexican-American War, 80,000 Spanish-Mexican-Indian people were forced into sudden U.S. habitation.
The shared Spanish language, Catholic faith, close contact with their political homeland (Mexico) to the south, a history of labor segregation, ethnic exclusion and racial discrimination encourage a united Chicano or Mexican folkloric tradition in the United States. Ethnic cohesiveness is a resistance strategy to assimilation and the accompanying cultural dissolution.
The concept of Chicano nationalism is perhaps best articulated in the 1968 Plan Espiritual de Aztlán, generally considered the manifesto of the Chicano Movement[citation needed]. It states,
"El Plan Espiritual de Aztlán sets the theme that the Chicanos (La Raza de Bronze) must use their nationalism as the key or common denominator for mass mobilization and organization. Once we are committed to the idea and philosophy of El Plan de Aztlán, we can only conclude that social, economic, cultural, and political independence is the only road to total liberation from oppression, exploitation, and racism. Our struggle then must be for the control of our barrios, campos, pueblos, lands, our economy, our culture, and our political life. El Plan commits all levels of Chicano society - the barrio, the campo, the ranchero, the writer, the teacher, the worker, the professional - to La Causa."
First of all, all of this "Aztlan" mythology sounds like the stuff the Nazis used to justify invading other countries. They, too, had their mythology about "long lost lands" and revanchism.
Second of all, why are we still doing the Chicano nationalist thing in the year 2009? Who is "oppressed" these days?? Since the 1960s we have implemented all kinds of policies--affirmative action, special programs, loans, scholarships, entitlements--for minorities. Why are they still carrying on as though we are still living in the 1920s??
Also, if this is such a place where Latinos are so maligned and oppressed, why do they still come here? By the 10s of millions?? So there were only about 80,000 Spanish-Mexican-Indian people inhabiting the land which the U.S. acquired after the U.S.-Mexican War. And now we have 10s of millions of Mexicans here. There must be some opportunities here for them I would say.
What I want to know, and what I think is important to know, is how many are there with this Chicano nationalist mindset? And what is the liklihood of these 10s of millions being further indoctrinated into it? Are we looking at a Kosovo in the future?
I don't see why we should even chance it.
how many are there with this Chicano nationalist mindset?
This is the $1,000,000 question. As for the mindset of most Deportable Aliens, I think most don't get the mindset as they usually look at the Chicano's as not their own.
These racist, reconquista pieces of crap need to be tried for treason. They are dividing this country and nothing but seditionists among us.
Tell us how you feel, patriot!
Even if the illegals coming in here do not adhere to the Chicano nationalist ideology (but polls indicate that the majority of Mexican nationals think the Southwest is "stolen land"), their CHILDREN are being indoctrinated here to that belief. They are not being brought up to be loyal Americans, but to think of themselves as Mexicans living in the U.S., separate from the rest of us.
We need to address the interpretation of the 14th amendment which gives automatic citizenship to children born to illegals in this country. These illegals are their foot soldiers and so are their children.
Nuevo Plan de Aztlan
WHEREAS, We the Chicanas y Chicanos of the United States of America honor our Native American heritage with all our hearts and minds;
WHEREAS, We the Chicanas y Chicanos of the United States of America honor the sacred call of our Native American ancestors for peace and justice throughout our Americas; and
WHEREAS, We the Chicanas y Chicanos of the United States of America recognize La Raza has been struggling with a new wave of racial harassment, discrimination and persecution in our Americas since September 11, 2001.
NOW THEREFORE, We the Chicanos y Chicanos of the United States of America resolve as follows:
This resolution may be cited as Nuevo Plan de Aztlan.
Nuevo Plan de Aztlan is based on the following terms:
a) Americanas y Americanos
Americanas y Americanos are ALL AMERICANS regardless of our races, colors, languages, cultures, nationalities, ethnicities, religions or creeds.
b) Aztlan
The concept of Aztlan is derived from the Nahua history of the Mexicas before their southern migration from Norte America into Centro Mexico during the 11th Century. Aztlan today is Indigenas of Mexican-American and(or) Mexican descent who consider ourselves Chicanas y Chicanos regardless of where we were born, live or die.
c) Carnalismo
Carnalismo is the love and compassion Chicanas y Chicanos have for each other as carnalas y carnales (sisters and brothers). Carnalismo is what unites and strengthens Chicanas y Chicanos as we work together for peace and justice.
d) Chicanas y Chicanos
Chicanas y Chicanos are Indigenas of Mexican-American and(or) Mexican descent who consider ourselves Chicanas y Chicanos based on our Native American heritage.
e) El Movimiento
El Movimiento is the Chicana y Chicano Movement for peace and justice. El Movimiento is comprised of numerous academic, athletic, artistic, business, commercial, cultural, educational, political, recreational, social, spiritual, wholistic and other Chicana y Chicano organizations and individuals working for peace and justice throughout Aztlan, our Americas and the world.
f) Heritage
Our Native American heritage includes our ancestral lands and freedoms; and all the histories, cultures, traditions and mores of our Native American ancestors.
g) Indigenas
Often called Native Americans or American Indians, Indigenas are all the indigenous peoples of our Americas including those of mixed-race heritage like La Raza.
h) La Causa
La Causa is for peace and justice, the eternal cause of Chicanas y Chicanos who recognize there can be no true peace without true justice, i.e., the abolition of poverty, racism, sexism and all other injusticias in our Americas.
i) La Raza
Chicanas y Chicanos can be Black, White, Brown, Red, Yellow and(or) any other “skin color” like the rest of La Raza and the human race. The concept of La Raza was derived from a 1925 essay published by Jose Vasconcelos, a Mexican educator who called the millions of mixed-race Indigenas with Latin-American and(or) Latin-European ancestors La Raza Cosmica.
La Raza is comprised of every race, color, nationality, ethnicity, culture, language, religion and creed in the world. This rich diversity is the unifying power, force and strength of Chicanas y Chicanos, and of all La Raza as we grow to know, understand and honor our great heritage.
j) Latinas y Latinos
Latinas y Latinos of our Americas are Indigenas with a Latin-American and(or) Latin-European heritage. Millions of Latinas y Latinos also have African, Asian and other Non-Latino ancestors.
k) Racism
·Racial categories are crude labels based on parentage, genetics and(or) physical traits, not religious or scientific proof of one’s superior or inferior nature like racists believe.
·Racism is the belief one or more “races” are inherently “superior” to one or more other races. [Example: Many Americans believe “White people” are inherently superior to “Non-White people” and that “Black people” are inherently inferior to all other people.]
·Racism includes the belief “mixed-race” people like La Raza are inferior to those with birth parents of the same race. “Race-mixing” is still condemned by racists today. · Indigenas were considered savages (less-than-human) when Europeans first invaded and occupied our Americas. "Christianized" and(or) otherwise assimilated Indigenas are still considered inferior by today’s racists.
·Racists are not just poor or poorly educated citizens, there are wealthy and highly educated racists throughout government and society who strive to protect and preserve their privileged status via institutional, industrial and commercial racism. Racists are not just White, either; there are Brown, Black, Red, Asian and other racists, too.
·The racist imposition of the colonial English language on Indigenas continues to cause horrendous problems for Chicanas y Chicanos in education, employment and virtually all other aspects of life in the U.S. Laws, rules and regulations are selectively enforced by local, state and federal institutions against La Raza, as English is used as a weapon to deprive Chicanas y Chicanos of liberty, equality and justice throughout our lives.
·Private industry (“free enterprise”) also causes havoc for Chicanas y Chicanos by perpetuating racist stereotypes and beliefs about La Raza for profit and gain. [Example: Mass media and the “entertainment” industries commercialize racist stereotypes and beliefs about Latinas y Latinos throughout the world, while pretending to be “spreading freedom and democracy” alongside the Pentagon.]
l) Terrorist(s)
A terrorist or terrorists are human beings who use unwarranted violence and(or) the threat of violence to kill, rob, rape, torture, imprison or otherwise impose their will over other human beings.
Nuevo Plan de Aztlan addresses the alarming attacks orchestrated against Indigenas throughout Norte America since September 11, 2001 (9/11). U.S. officials are using La Raza as a scapegoat or smokescreen to distract or divert attention away from their heinous war crimes in the Middle East.
According to their domestic propaganda, the “real problem” and therefore actual enemy or threat to national security is Mexicans and other Indigenas “invading” Norte America, not the Pentagon killing, torturing, maiming, imprisoning and destroying other indigenous peoples' lives in faraway lands.
Thousands of racist media, vigilante, “homeland security” and other hostile actions have been executed against Indigenas since 9/11, as tens of thousands of these indigent men, women and children have been rounded up and herded out of Norte America like cattle.
Indigenas have suffered centuries of injusticias including genocide, rape, torture, mayhem, kidnapping, slavery, peonage, poverty, homelessness and groundless imprisonment at the hands of the original European invaders and occupiers of our Americas.
The offspring of these European terrorists expect Chicanas y Chicanos to ignore or forget this true account of their ancestors’ horrendous atrocities, as if these abominations against our Native American ancestors never occurred or mattered.
As English imperialism via the U.S. government seeks to conquer the entire world, La Raza is increasingly faced with discriminatory law enforcement, housing, education, employment, healthcare, mass media, entertainment and other racist industrial, commercial and institutional policies and practices, especially since 9/11.
The offspring of the European terrorists who originally stole our ancestral lands are guilty of receiving this stolen property. Receiving stolen property is no less a crime than stealing it. These aliens remain in denial as they continue to exploit, oppress and otherwise deprive us of our ancestral lands and freedoms from generation-to-generation much like their terrorist ancestors did against our ancestors for the past few centuries.
U.S. racists are now working to outlaw MEChA and other Movimiento organizations being blamed for “too many Mexicans” and other Indigenas in Norte America today. Local, state and federal government agencies have also made it extremely difficult for the Partido de La Raza Unida to rise politically against this institutionalized harassment, discrimination and persecution in any significant way.
These same racists oppose Chicana y Chicano Studies, affirmative action, financial aid, bilingual and multicultural education, ethnic studies, fair housing, equal employment opportunities and all other ways and means of attempting to create level playing fields for La Raza, as if the U.S. only belongs to Anglo-Americans and everyone else is a second-class citizen at best.
The 21st Century campaign against Mexicans in the also aimed at Chicanas y Chicanos since we are all familia. Chicanas y Chicanos have a natural, inherent or innate relationship with Mexicanas y Mexicanos because of our common Native American heritage that is everlasting.Other Indigenas throughout our Americas are suffering from these racist attacks too.
We are all being treated as a threat or potential threat to national security by the racist U.S. government at the local, state, federal and international level.
a) We the Chicanas y Chicanos of the United States of America must reach beyond nationalism to establish and(or) coalesce with parallel movements of other Indigenas united around our multilingual, multiracial and multicultural heritage throughout our Americas and on outlying islands.
b) El Movimiento’s mass communication, organization and mobilization initiatives call for Chicanas y Chicanos to join forces with all La Raza against our common exploiters and oppressors because we cannot be free unless and until all La Raza is free.
c) Economic justice cannot be achieved without social and political justice. La Raza must join together as an international union of Indigenas to work for this justicia as opposed to permitting the racists to continue to exploit and oppress La Raza via commercial, industrial and institutional racism from generation-to-generation.
d) This indigenous union must ensure liberty, equality and justice for all Americanas y Americanos so We can all live, work and travel freely in peace and justice throughout our Americas for so long as the rivers flow.
e) The first priority of our new union is to abolish poverty, racism and sexism throughout our Americas.
f) This union must ensure all workers in our Americas receive good jobs and compensation so that all Americanas y Americanos can have nice homes in safe and secure neighborhoods and communities. People unable to work will also have nice homes in these safe and secure neighborhoods and communities because no one will live in poverty or homelessness in our Americas except by her or his own choosing.
g) We the Chicanas y Chicanos of the United States of America must ensure our children learn about our indigenous ancestors, at home and in all the schools, colleges and universities of our Americas so they and future generations will know, understand and honor our Native American heritage.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, We the Chicanas y Chicanos of the United States of America will live our daily lives in accordance with Nuevo Plan de Aztlan to the best of our abilities.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, We the Chicanas y Chicanos of the United States of America will encourage Chicana y Chicano organizations everywhere to review, adopt and incorporate Nuevo Plan de Aztlan into their own missions, goals and objectives so all Indigenas can stand united against the new wave of racial harassment, discrimination and persecution La Raza faces in the 21st Century.
Copyright 2008 Internet Mecha. Nuevo Plan de Aztlan may be reproduced, republished and disseminated freely.
Now It Is Clear For all to See: The ultimate goal of the Hispanic and Latino pro-illegal alien lobby, is to leverage their massive illegal alien population to achieve the political power necessary to "reconquista" (take back) America or as they call it 'Aztlan.' Their goals are very clear. They want to stop or eliminate any and all actions that might end the inflow of some 10,000 illegals per day and restrict the massive illegal alien invasion of our country, in order to grow their political clout!(25) Since, racism is defined in Webster's as a program or practice that upholds the political or economic domination of one race over another or others, their motives and modus operondi, are without doubt, the purist form of racism there is!
--Daneen Peterson
a) We are all Americans?? So you do not believe in Nationalities. You think the 'indigenous of the Americas' have the right to freely roam the entire land mass, even though your ancestors set down roots in Central and South America over 4500 years ago. Your people only come the the USA now for economic gain, not assimilation into our society, but to succeed your own mythical territory back to yourselves.
Your a) and c) kinda cancel each other don't they? a)Americanas y Americanos are ALL AMERICANS regardless of our races, colors, languages, cultures, nationalities, ethnicities, religions or creeds.; and then c)Carnalismo is the love and compassion Chicanas y Chicanos have for each other as carnalas y carnales (sisters and brothers). Carnalismo is what unites and strengthens Chicanas y Chicanos as we work together for peace and justice.
What happened to we are all Americans no matter race, color, creed, nationality? Now you only advocate for the brothers and sisters of your ethnicity? C'mon, wool and eyes come to mind.
Your g) narrows it down even further from d) and f). a) seems to be nothing more then bull shit on inclusion.
i) claims the human race, but then is narrowed again by only the indigenous 'heritage'. You people are totally full of it.
The rest of the Nuevo Plan de Aztlan is pure crap. Sorry, your hypocrisy is just ignorance on your behalf of believing Nuevo Plan de Aztlan.
Buch of racist b@stards is all they are!
Sorry, typo I meant bunch not buch, lol.
Oh, but Patriot--haven't you heard?? "Minorities" can't be racist! I put the "minority" in quotes because as you well know, whites are now the minority in some states. Guess that means that you can't possibly be racist either, right? Since you're now a minority and all.
Seriously, they are told--and they believe--that anything they say or do as "oppressed peoples" is merely "fighting for justice and equality." So they can be as racist, subversive, and hateful as they please and they still maintain the high moral ground.
Not only that, but anyone who opposes their racial, anti-American agenda is de facto the bad guy. I mean, anyone who would oppose an "oppressed people" merely "fighting for justice and equality" would automatically put themselves on the wrong side of the moral line, right?
They truly believe that and that is where the arrogance and boldness comes from. They really don't see themselves for what they are: racist, anti-American subversives. They feel they have the moral high ground--and so do those who support them.
Well stated Alie!!
Take a look at Oscar's response here about Latinos being a growing "majority" and having their own customs and language.
How does this ideology fit in with Obama's message of unity and coming together as "one people?" How does it square with Martin Luther King's dream of unity? I thought the idea was to END "segregation?" I thought that was what liberals advocated?
It seems as though these guys are a throwback to an earlier century with the racial strife and separatism. They are CHOOSING to separate themselves from Americans of all races/ethnicities who are focusing on their commonality rather than their differences and "separateness." They are regressing instead of progressing to a post-racial society.
I kind of feel sorry for those like Oscar who are mired in the past instead of moving forward with the majority of Americans in unity. They are creating a separation which need not exist in the 21st century. When all other Americans are coming together, they are isolating themselves. They just cannot let go of the past and move into the future with the rest of us.
I like how he speaks so highly of the Spanish Language, which by the way is European, yet he claims Chicanismo and should be speaking the native languages of Nahuatl.
They are such idiots that it's hard to know where to start.
Oscar is very confused.
Good point, Liquid! They are all into their culture and language like it was the sacred cow or something and yet as you said, they speak the language of the white European Spaniards. Whats stopping them from speaking the native indian languages instead? Afterall, they only want to identifying with their "iindigenous" side anyway. I find these Chicanos contemptable! They are nothing but seditionists among us.
They are merging their ideals with the ideals of the PRO side, as the stage is already laid out for them.
Yes Alie, I have followed along the HB comments and the vendido sell out threads. Laughable at best, ignorance is hilarious.
Well, I don't find it laughable, Liquid. I find it despicable to demonize and disrespect patriotic American citizens of Latino descent in this manner.
These people come here because their own country can't stand them and wants rid of them, they find opportunity and a "better life" here for themselves and their progeny, then they turn on the country which gave them this opportunity and its citizens like mad dogs.
The issue isn't whether a few ethnocentric, racist, seditious, anti-American Chicanos spew nonsense on some obscure forum. It is HOW MANY of these people and their children are being indoctrinated with this garbage and how that bodes for our future cohesiveness and domestic traquility in this nation. And don't forget that many of those leading the charge are not even Chicanos; they are white Socialists/leftists.
From where I am sitting, I can see a time in the future where we will balkanize and have ethnic strife as in Kosovo if things don't turn around.
More racism by Tony Cheek of Hispanic Business Forums:
"One of the great things about the study of statistics is it's not that far from the old bruja reading fortunes from chicken entrails. You can use all the mathematical models you like, run simulations on Beowulf clusters until the metal rusts, and you're still gonna have that inevitable "fudge factor" that no one forsees and no one expects.
The PEW numbers could very well be valid, or something could skew the results one way or the other. But, granting the PEW numbers legitimacy, Hispanics will still be the largest minority in the country, followed closely by African-Americans, then the Asians.
Regardless, the percentages add up:
Hispanics - 29%
African-Americans - 20%
Asians - 7%
Native Americans (indians, not nitwits bumbling through the desert) - 3%
No matter how you crunch the numbers, by 2050 whites will be sitting in the back of the bus.
Aw, but you forget one thing, Tony. Most people aren't RACIST AND HATEFUL like YOU are! Looks as though Tony is hoping to bring back segregation and racism.
So he doesn't really want an end to racism...just a change in who holds the club. But WE'RE the racists. He's really amazingly bold in his statements, isn't he? No shame in his display of hatred and racism. Like I said: righteous hatred.
God help us if people like him become the majority in the future. Maybe the White Nationalists are right and we should be looking for our own little "safe" corner.
Alie said...
Well, I don't find it laughable, Liquid. I find it despicable to demonize and disrespect patriotic American citizens of Latino descent in this manner.
I'm laughing at Oscar and his mentality, that's why I said Ignorance is Hilarious.
Everything else is well stated.
Did you read the Chicano Comment from Anon? Did you read my comment about it? He left the same comment on LL under Ruben Botello, seems he is a writer. Link is his name on LL.
Looks like another old, brainwashed radical still living in the 60s. When we these types crawl out of their amber and join the rest of us in the 21st century? There's hardly anything more pathetic than these old white "hippy" types, except for these old Chicano radicals. The whole rest of the world has marched on and they are forever trapped in amber.
Wonder why the Latinos are not the recipients of this:
From one of Dee's good buddies on her blog, "Vincente Duque" regarding the Nuevo Plan de Aztlan:
"Dear Friends :
Ruben Botellos, Chicanas, Chicanos, Native Americans, Mexican Americans, Latinos, Hispanics, Brown People of any Cultural or National Origin. And I also include Blacks, Asians, Native Americans of Canada or the Artic, etc ...
I say : We are a Family !!
I do not believe that La Raza, Aztlan, Carnalismo, La Raza, etc ... pose any problems of Violence or that they attempt against Public Order and Safety. I say the same for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. ( NAACP ).... We are friends and should be friends, without any doubt.
The Terrorists are the Nazi Skinheads, the Ku Klux Klan, the White Supremacists and other Violent Organizations of Racial Hatred.
These right wingers and the Hate TV and Radio TV are the real Enemies of America, and they pose the Problems of Safety and Public Order.
These last organizations are an attempt to subvert the U. S. Constitution and replace it with a State similar to Sparta with the Minorities as Helots.
So friend Ruben Botello, continue with your worthy efforts.
I find it beautiful that there is an interest in studying the Origins, Cultures, Customs, Habitats, Archaeology, Myths, etc ... of the Ancient and Original American Population.
If we study the beautiful legacy of Oral and Written Literature of those Native Americans we become richer, humanly, culturally, and in Artistic and Literary Ways.
I can say the same for African Americans, Asian Americans, etc...
We become richer as we learn more languages, and read more about other cultures.
Thanks again for your letter.
Vicente Duque"
Does he think this group is a genealogical society or something? Is he for real???
It is just mind-boggling to me that people like this think they have some kind of moral superiority.
This is especially amusing:
"These right wingers and the Hate TV and Radio TV are the real Enemies of America, and they pose the Problems of Safety and Public Order."
The KKK and neo-Nazi organizations have been so decimated by the FBI and so marginalized by most white people in this country that their adherents are mostly relegated to muttering in their mother's basements!
However, their counterparts such as MEChA have chapters on high school and college campuses all over the country! These are radical, anti-American, anti-white organizations which masquerade as ethnic fraternal organizations. They are supported by our taxdollars and idiots like Vincente would consider it "racist" to protest their existance. No, he's focused on Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh tearing apart the fabric of our society.
The more I learn about these people, the more worried I am for this country. When people have completely and totally lost their moral compass--when good is thought of as bad and bad thought of as good--we are really finished as a nation.
Didn't our founding fathers say something to the effect that this democratic republic would only work as long as we were a moral people? I seem to remember such a thing from my history classes. I'd say if more and more people are as morally confused as Vicente here, we are in real deep doo-doo.
Also, what I notice about Vicente opening and closing was that he welcomes everyone as one big family--Chicanas, Chicanos, Native Americans, Mexican Americans, Latinos, Hispanics, Brown People of any Cultural or National Origin. And I also include Blacks, Asians, Native Americans of Canada or the Artic, etc.," but no mention of those of Causasian/European descent! Unless we are the "etc."
I have heard the theory put forward that multiculturalism is nothing but barely veiled anti-white ideology under the guise of "diversity."
From reading Vincent's post here, I would say there might be something to that idea.
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